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NCAA Cross Country Championships
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
November 20, 2000

All photos by Alison Wade/

Page One | Page Two | Page Three | Page Four | Page Five | Page Six (Men)

While conducting a post-race interview, wrapped up in a blanket, Kara Wheeler gets word from coach Mark Wetmore that Colorado has tentatively won the national championship.
Defending champion Erica Palmer talks to reporters after her third-place finish.
A Colorado State runner post-race.
The awards ceremony, L-R: Anita Looper, Susanne Heyer, Maggie Guiney, Korene Hinds and Lauren Fleshman.
L-R: Korene Hinds, Lauren Fleshman and Lilli Kleinmann.
L-R: Bethany Brewster, Sara Gorton and Sheela Agrawal.
Amy Mortimer (left) and Lisa Aguilera.
Erica Palmer (left) and Sabrina Monro.
#1 Colorado team... including Kara Wheeler (left) and Sara Gorton (right).
Members of the runner-up BYU team.
#4 Boston College: L-R: Laura Smith, Katie Ryan, Julie Spolidoro, Maggie and Cate Guiney (in that order, I think), Jen Kramer and Sharon Van Tuyl.
BC again.

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