Interview with Kevin Tschirhart
By Becky Orfinger
Tschirhart during Friday's course tour.
(Photo by Alison Wade/NYRR)
Are you having fun out here at your first Foot Locker Nationals?
Tschirhart: Yeah,
it's awesome.
did you think of the course today?
Well, the
hill isn't as bad as some of the hills I run on courses back home in
the Northeast. I like the downhills, though. But the wood chips are
kind of tough. I'm going to have to change the spikes I usually wear
because of that. I think the first mile is going to be fast.
did your regional race go?
well -- it was the best race of my life. I felt completely under control,
even with 400 meters to go.
making it to Nationals a goal of yours all season?
I improved gradually over the season, but the race before regionals
was my worst race all season. But actually, it gave me more motivation
to come back, run harder and do well at regionals.
went wrong the week before?
My [race]
strategy didn't work for me. I hung back and had to rely on my kick.
I'm a better runner when I go out there next to the guy in front.
from some pretty cold weather back in New York, how do you think you
will race in these conditions?
It is
a little hot, but I'm not too worried. It would be nice if it were a
little cooler than today.
only a sophomore, but you've already improved a lot. What have you done
differently that allowed you to bring your running to an elite level?
year, before Spring [track started], I didn't live track the way I do
now. I went to practice, came home and that was it. Now, I'll read track
books, go on the web, and I'm just always thinking about it.
is your goal tomorrow?
[To be
an] All-American.
conducted and posted December 13, 2002)