SheRuns — A 'Zine for Women Who Run — Now Available

Jennifer Bostwick created SheRuns — a 'zine for women who run — because she noticed that though there are more women running than ever before, they still receive insufficient coverage in the media.

We'll let Bostwick tell you about it in her own words:

"The women I know who run, talk about running incessantly. We ask gory details, compare notes, offer advice, nurse injuries, suggest new runs and encourage each other almost daily. I know this female-runner dialog is going on everywhere and needs a concise, organized, accessible outlet."

"I love to read running material over coffee before my morning run, but am tired of shoe reviews and male-oriented columns. While these have their place, I feel it's time for a space of our own. Running is individual, for certain, but as a group, I believe women make up an amazingly connected presence with unique perspectives, goals and lives. With the multi-tasking nature of women's lives, I praise each of you for being a runner. I know first-hand how difficult and satisfying it can be to make it out the door for a run. With SheRuns, I hope to address issues that directly relate to running and how running fits into our lives as women."

The first issue includes a Q&A with Alisa Rodgers, a gear review, an interview with ultramarathoner Lisa Smith Batchen and much more. To subscribe to SheRuns, e-mail

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