Quotes from Tiffany McWilliams, Treniere Clement, Kim Smith, and Sara Bei

Reported by Parker Morse

Tiffany McWilliams, Misssissippi State - 1st, 1,500m

Tiffany McWilliams held off Treniere Clement to win the 1,500.
(Photos: Alison Wade/NYRR, click to enlarge)

"I'm glad this part's over with, but I've got a long way to go."

"I've been having some foot troubles. Coach has been talking about taking a week off. I'm doing everything I can. I don't want to think I've got [all] the work done. I want to think there's more I can do."

"It's nice [that the field hung with her longer.] It does make me nervous, but it gets the adrenaline going and makes the race more exciting."

"My third lap was a little slower than I wanted it to be, so I picked it up a bit more in the fourth. But mostly I wanted to get away and stay away."

"Sacramento was perfect weather. I like the heat, but I felt a little lightheaded warming up today. I knew it would be tougher, maybe, on some of the ladies from the West and the North, but they're tough. I try to stay calm, and not let myself get too nervous. I try to keep my mind clear. I try to make myself think positive, which is tough sometimes. I think of the times I've got to hit, and that's about it."

Treniere Clement, Georgetown - 2nd, 1,500m

"I'm a graduating senior, so I felt like I had nothing to lose. My plan was to try to stay with [Tiffany McWilliams] as long as I could. Whatever happened, happened. It happened that I finished closer than I thought I would."

"I have a qualifier for the Trials, and I've been focusing on them in my training this spring, but I felt this was my most important race. It doesn't take any pressure away, though. I wanted to do well here because I won't have any more of these."

Kim Smith, Providence - 1st, 5,000m

Kim Smith dominated the 5,000m and won her third NCAA title in three months.

"I'm going to go over to Europe to race. Hopefully I'll do a 5K at London. Then the Olympics in Athens. If nobody else from New Zealand gets a standard, I get to go. The next fastest time is 16:03."

"We've got a really good training group in Providence with Amy [Rudolph] and Marie [McMahon Davenport]. We've been training hard this summer. It's worked pretty well. Amy's come back to Ray, and the last time she ran well was with Ray. That's what worked for her. It's really good having her around."

Sara Bei, Stanford - 2nd, 5,000m

"I've got another year of eligibility in everything, plus a year of indoor track. I'm thinking about sticking around for the fifth year, and maybe get a masters degree, but as of now I'm on track to graduate. I'd probably do an Masters of Education. I'm studying Human Biology now, just out of interest. I've learned a lot to apply to life, but maybe not for a career."

"It's such a blessing having [Alicia Craig] as a training partner, a study partner, and a friend. We've started to get Lauren [Fleshman] back with us training for the Trials — our threesome reunited!"

(Interviews conducted June 12, 2004)

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