Post-race interview with Whitney Anderson

by Ricky Quintana

Whitney Anderson, a senior at Summit High School in Breckenridge, Colorado, finished fourth at the 2004 Foot Locker Cross Country Championships in 17:49.

Whitney Anderson
(Photo: Alison Wade/NYRR)

Fast-Women.com: How did the race go?
Whitney Anderson:
It was pretty exciting. There was a lot of adrenaline. I don't really know what to think about a lot of stuff that I was going through. It seems like it lasted forever because you have all these hills and switchbacks. It doesn't make it go by as fast as a course with straightaways.

FW: I know you spent a lot of time going over the course with your coach. What were you working on?
It was my first time here and I just wanted to re-walk it. I wanted to get a feel [for it], especially [since it's] a big meet. You want to be prepared and be ready to charge up to what you see.

FW: It seems like you held back a little bit and didn't go with the leaders.
It's not a totally fast course and it's kind of stressful in some areas, like the hills. I just gradually made my way up because I didn't want to get all stressed out and get totally laid out. Some girls just sprint out. I just gradually made my way up...

FW: So you got a little frustrated towards the end?
Yeah, I just felt like I was lugging up the hill. Kind of like I was jogging, but I tried to get up with Ramsey [Kavan] and them on the straightaway and bring my body forward on the hill and get down as fast I could.

FW: Last year, you didn't make it here. How does it feel to finally get here and do so well?
It all comes with hard work and perseverance and having a great coach on your side to really bring you through it and teach you self discipline. That's all comes from my parents and my coach and everything. It's just really great to have them here.

FW: In track, what do you think you'll focus on?
The 1,600m and 3,200m. I also want to get my 800m time [faster]. I really want to focus on distance.

(Interview conducted on December 11, 2004, and posted on December 14, 2004.)

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